Saturday, June 30, 2012

結行 六月 June Conclusion

(Scroll down for English version)

這一月,也象徵了向‘護理實習生’這個身份說 byebye 時刻。


接下來,把自己投入應考的‘備戰’行列。無數無數的NCLEX範本考題、較早前讀書會的紀錄 、講師的扎實練習課。這些無不是都為將來的飯碗打拼而先墊下的努力。大家不約而同地為6月13日做倒數,也為彼此即將離開的那天默默倒數。


6月13日—— 為飯碗打拼的第一個關站終于來到。能在兩個半小時内能如實回答100題的致命護理考題是感恩的。較後,只能默默祝禱較前的努力得以讓這關順利通過。



Soon after else, we're going to wave goodbye to June and say Hello to July.
Hence, since June was such a happening month, I would write some conclusion before we reach July. =)

June- a month that we the student nurses have to sit for board exam and also a month to take off our identication as a student nurse.

As June started, thanks to some dharma pals. I'd stand a chance to enrol myself in a Buddhist Hymns Singing and sharing event. It was my 1st time to sing for public beside from KTV. Anyhow, it is a good chance for me to praise the Buddha and knit a dharma relationship with public.

After that, it's the time to really rush myself and final prepare for the exam. Tonnes of NCLEX question whether is in book form or online, hours of intensive class, lots of previous study group notes etc etc. This is one of the way to achieve our goal , which is going to be a staff nurse. Everyone was counting down for the date of exam and also the leaving date.Sad huh?

Anyhow, prior to the exam. I'd decided to join in a meditation session few days before the exam. It's simply awesome. I'd experience even clearer mind state to prepare myself for exam. No more NCLEX, no more notes etc etc. Relax and feel the peace of mind^^

Not mention bout the 100 MCQ exam, glad that I can finish it up within 2 and a half hour.

After that, 2 weeks of holiday for me to enjoy before start my work. Been to S'pore and Borneo as my destination. Try to overcome my fear by taking 2 roller coaster at a time in Universal Studio. Experienced the stressful part of the civilian and the style of them dealing with time in the big city. Slow pace in Borneo part, small town Sibu which catch my glimpse. The friendly Foochow clan and their food, just simply awesome!
Some people told me that it was ridiculous to travel a city and a town at the same time. Well, what i think about was, ain't it the good way to see different kind of people, slow vs fast pace and learn their pros and discard their cons at the same time?

I'd pass my Malaysian Nursing Board Exam and get the license very very soon!! excited bout it^^
Few days later, it's time for me to start a new chapter of life. Start my first ever job as a Staff Nurse.
What i believe is that in future there's still a lot of challenges for me to overcome. Hope i can discard the obstacle eventually and keep learning throughout my life. Gambate~

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