Thursday, October 4, 2012

壬辰年中秋節 祭月禮示範 Mid Autumn Fest Ritual


今年中秋,乃第二年穿上自己的民族服裝——漢服 慶祝,更不可思議的是第一次在檳城這個充滿人文氣息的島上向民衆呈現祭月禮的示範,呈現一個被人漸漸淡忘、漸漸沒落的華夏人祭祀禮儀。


祭祀月禮開始  主祭人準備就緒


參祭者 讀祭文



Friday, July 13, 2012

過程 Process

(Scroll down for English Version)



在這七月, 對我而言是一種過渡;是一種開始。

全新的職場環境、全新的體制、全新的面孔、全新的操作系統 。


祝福大家也祝福 我自己 =)

Life is a process
Nothing end nor start, from birth,live,ill to death; and reborn, live,ill and death again. It is one of the process.

Since after June, we'd already pass through half of the year.
Soon after July, it's a new change for me, and also start of something new.

Ended my student life and yet start to step into the working life, with new environment,new personality, new system etc etc. Will it be hard for me to adapt it? Hope it wouldn't.
Remember and embrace the reason and the initial intent to join nursing, i believe the obstacle can be adapt by me as possible.

Anyhow, I'm grateful that i'll be in the ward for surgical cases and soon after that will be 'stuck' into the operation theatre. I'm curious about what to explore inside the OT now! Hope i can learn more and more from there.

Everything is a life-learning process; Life is one of the learning process as well.
All the best to everyone and myself ^^

Saturday, June 30, 2012

結行 六月 June Conclusion

(Scroll down for English version)

這一月,也象徵了向‘護理實習生’這個身份說 byebye 時刻。


接下來,把自己投入應考的‘備戰’行列。無數無數的NCLEX範本考題、較早前讀書會的紀錄 、講師的扎實練習課。這些無不是都為將來的飯碗打拼而先墊下的努力。大家不約而同地為6月13日做倒數,也為彼此即將離開的那天默默倒數。


6月13日—— 為飯碗打拼的第一個關站終于來到。能在兩個半小時内能如實回答100題的致命護理考題是感恩的。較後,只能默默祝禱較前的努力得以讓這關順利通過。



Soon after else, we're going to wave goodbye to June and say Hello to July.
Hence, since June was such a happening month, I would write some conclusion before we reach July. =)

June- a month that we the student nurses have to sit for board exam and also a month to take off our identication as a student nurse.

As June started, thanks to some dharma pals. I'd stand a chance to enrol myself in a Buddhist Hymns Singing and sharing event. It was my 1st time to sing for public beside from KTV. Anyhow, it is a good chance for me to praise the Buddha and knit a dharma relationship with public.

After that, it's the time to really rush myself and final prepare for the exam. Tonnes of NCLEX question whether is in book form or online, hours of intensive class, lots of previous study group notes etc etc. This is one of the way to achieve our goal , which is going to be a staff nurse. Everyone was counting down for the date of exam and also the leaving date.Sad huh?

Anyhow, prior to the exam. I'd decided to join in a meditation session few days before the exam. It's simply awesome. I'd experience even clearer mind state to prepare myself for exam. No more NCLEX, no more notes etc etc. Relax and feel the peace of mind^^

Not mention bout the 100 MCQ exam, glad that I can finish it up within 2 and a half hour.

After that, 2 weeks of holiday for me to enjoy before start my work. Been to S'pore and Borneo as my destination. Try to overcome my fear by taking 2 roller coaster at a time in Universal Studio. Experienced the stressful part of the civilian and the style of them dealing with time in the big city. Slow pace in Borneo part, small town Sibu which catch my glimpse. The friendly Foochow clan and their food, just simply awesome!
Some people told me that it was ridiculous to travel a city and a town at the same time. Well, what i think about was, ain't it the good way to see different kind of people, slow vs fast pace and learn their pros and discard their cons at the same time?

I'd pass my Malaysian Nursing Board Exam and get the license very very soon!! excited bout it^^
Few days later, it's time for me to start a new chapter of life. Start my first ever job as a Staff Nurse.
What i believe is that in future there's still a lot of challenges for me to overcome. Hope i can discard the obstacle eventually and keep learning throughout my life. Gambate~

Sunday, June 17, 2012

禪意。 Zen







感謝Sarana Tan 姐姐的共成就,促使小弟有此次的禪修淨緣。

祝曰:  願 我與一切衆生 無敵意 無危險 無身體與精神上的痛苦
            願眾等早日修學佛法  得清淨無上勝妙樂 

With help of one of the Kalyana Mitra ( Buddhist Dharma Pal), I'd stand a chance to join in a meditation camp for one day plus in Mt Erskine GuanYinSeeTemple.
It had been quite sometime I rarely enrolled in meditating. I was glad to make this camp as my mind relaxation stop before my Nursing Board Exam.

The camp majorly based on meditation.We have Six round of meditation to be done in a day which exclude the basic morning and evening services.
I been waking up from the sounds of Temple Drum, the practitioner walk into the Main Shrine silently and awaiting for morning service. We'd chant in term of reminding ourself to practice these Eight mindful awakening in our daily living.
After that, we get our own sitting mat and practice outdoor meditation under the morning moonlight. I choosen to sit in the Guanyin Square which is silent and strongly feel of the natural. I did a simple Metta Bhavana for the sentient being and start to count my breath in meditation.For me, meditating is quite challenging due to malpractice in daily life and previous karmic did. Flights of thought keep on came across your mind when you're mindfully counting the breath.

However, condition did improve after being taught by venerable master and also the self manipulating of mind. After few rounds of the session, the mindfulness increase as in you can meditate for longer time. I should say it is a good news for a new beginner like me.
After the Evening service, venerable master preach the and share out the Mindfulness technique in Zen meditating. After the next morning service, we clean up the temple compound and return back home with mindfulness heart and Dharma Joy.
Indeed, I'd learn alot throughout the whole process. Hope i can continue practicing the Zen throughout my lifetime.

I take Refuge from the Precious Triple Gems (Buddha Dharma and Sangha) for the Non-Stop preaching of the Correct Path.
Thanks to Venerable Master Kai Bao for the Zen teaching
And not at least my Kalyana Mitra Sis. Sarana Tan for providing me an opportunity to upgrade the life of wisdom.
May all the sentient being be free from enmity and danger
be free from physical and mental suffering
May they live happily
Maha Sadhu

大殿前的回廊 Main walkway of the Main Shrine Hall

上山的梯級 The stairs to the temple

觀音廣場的大觀音 The Big Statue of Guanyin in the Guanyin Square

觀音廣場望去 View from Guanyin Square

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

月圓。衛塞之行 All About Wesak

讚仏曰:    天上天下無如仏  十方世界亦無比
                  世間所有我盡見  一切無有如仏者



在早課囘向裏頭,有句  將此身奉塵刹,是則名為報仏恩。 每次頌起都很震撼人心,身為仏子,我報恩了嗎?只有不斷不斷地付出,在塵澇中作清流 -- 仏法在世間,不離世間覺。四重恩,仏陀教化恩、父母養育恩、國家安樂恩、衆生成就恩,一切的一切,相互成就。



2556年的佛誕,是法喜的。感謝一切佛友法親的互相學習。期許 法味甚濃、法情亦堅。

It's the Full Moon season ---Wesak Day again^^
Wesak day falls on every 15th lunar calendar of May. In memory of Gotama Buddha's Birth, Enlightenment and Parinirvana.
In Buddhist Calendar, it's already Year 2556. Fellows monastery and Buddhist organization held the celebration of this precious moment. For me, it's the 7th year of celebrating wesak since after taking my refuge from the Triple Gem ( Buddha, Dharma and Sangha).

As usual, I'll celebrate start from the eve. Visitation to Ang Hock See Temple is a must for me^^. So i went with my mom and this year with fellow dharma pals as well. We perform the Morning Service and also the buddha-cleansing ceremony.The chanting held by the Sangha members was mind soothen. We pray to hope for a better world and also to reflecting our mind in Buddha path. In one of the sentence in the morning service : Giving out yourself to the world is one of the way to show your gratitude to the Buddha(brief translation) given me a huge impact. I was thinking am i really give myself out?( in caring and helping especially providing nursing care). Anyhow it is a must for a buddhism practitioner to pay gratitude to the four authority : The Buddha for teaching wisdom to us, The Parents for taking care of us, The Country(not rulers XD) which providing us the land and lastly all sentient being for making us stronger in buddha path.
During the Buddha cleansing ceremony, we pour the scented water onto the buddha statue. The rationale of doing that is to cleanse and purify our Speech , Mind and Action which may be the root of Karma.
On the actual day, i'd stand a chance to visit major Mahayana and Theravada monastery. Glad to see that some organization is practicing Buddhism in the younger way so that more youngster will joining in.

Anyhow, I feel contented yet filled with Dharma Joy in this Wesak. Thanks to fellow Dharma Pals for supporting each other in the Path. 

* May this Joy of Dharma being transfer to All sentient being. Maha Sadhu ^^ 

洪福寺。仏台 External Buddha Altar-Ang Hock See

南無仏 Namo Buddhaya

花車 Float from Triple Wisdom Hall

Saturday, April 28, 2012

黃潮迎青天? Yellow and Green

記428 乾淨選舉和平集會


身為國民,手持‘藍登記’的應該有責任自我覺醒,一起期許明日的大馬有更乾淨以及公平的選舉 =)









PS:  我不是在示威,更不是問題滋事者。我只是站出來表達我對國家的期許,以保我子孫後代的美好家園。祈願 國基鞏固  治道遐昌

Reflection of joining 428 Bersih 3.0 event in Penang
 Today, there is a lot of people wearing Yellow and Green colour Tee in Malaysia.
In Penang, huge amount of civilian attend the gathering in the Esplanade Penang.

Glad to see that the cops and the civilian maintain cooperatively in the event. Even the Ambulance is there to prevent any emergency cases.

According on what I'd seen, there are more than 10,000 people attending in the Penang event. 
Some that i would like to highlight: Penangite is so cooperative and follow the instruction of the organizer. Our state Chief Minister Mr Lim G.E. gain alots of respect from the civilians too. I'd never seen 10,000 people stays silence when he is giving the speech. Bravo Mr Lim~
After the event, there are some volunteer provide a plastic bag so that the venue is not full with rubbish. Very Civil Minded huh?^^

Anyhow, there is no any Violence or excessive Noise appear in the event. I hope that the 'Rulers' may receive on what the civilian thoughts and opinion. 

PS: This is not a RALLY, and im not a trouble maker though. I'm there just to expressing my opinion and thoughts for my future generation sake. May we have a cleaner better Malaysia.

會場一角 a scene from the venue

我愛我的國家 I <3 Malaysia

給林首長的掌聲 Everyone is clapping hand for CM Lim

從洛杉磯來的支持Support all the way from L.A.

集會後的會場-乾淨吧?Clean venue after the event

Saturday, April 14, 2012

三月廿四::禮拜靜思堂 Pilgrimage to JingSi Hall

頓足一下,心中在反思: 怎麽好久沒踏上這片福德田地呢?
三步一拜 由外拜到内,由黑暗拜到光明,由低下拜到崇高,越拜越靠近佛菩薩,越拜心地越清淨,人格越昇華。



僅以此文祝賀師公上人: 法體安康 常駐世間

It's an auspicious day for me, it's Venerable Chengyen birthday,so i decided to visit Jingsi Hall again for 3 steps one bow Pilgrimage early in the morning. had been some time i never visited this peaceful sanctuary since busy with other matters. The pilgrimation is joyful cause I can really peace my mind off and perform self reflection.
This pilgrimage action is one of the Chinese Buddhist Rituals that in the meaning of gaining knowledge with respect and also reflect our mind truthfully.

After breakfast, we join in a Medicine Buddha Puja Prayers which connected with Taiwan Jingsi Abode. By chanting the Medicine Buddha Sutra, I can know that the great vows of the Buddha and wish i can practice it wisely through my profession. By chanting, may the merits transfer to Venerable to continue her loving-kindness action and also to my family and all sentient beings.
What a Dharma joyful feel to being such contented^^

Peach Bun which is distributed to the attendee..cute right?